7 common smells during an orthopedic procedure.
1/ Burning flesh. This smell is caused by the use of electrocautery, a device that uses electricity to seal blood vessels and stop bleeding.
2/ Cutting through bone. This smell is similar to the smell of burning hair, and it is caused by the use of saws and drills to cut through bone.
3/Blood. Blood has a metallic smell, and it can be present in any surgery, but it is especially noticeable in orthopedic surgeries because of the amount of blood that is typically lost.
4/ Body fluids. Other body fluids, such as bile and urine, can also have strong smells.
5/ Antiseptics. Antiseptics are used to clean the surgical site and prevent infection. They can have a strong, chemical smell.
6/ Gauze. Gauze is used to absorb blood and other fluids. It can have a slightly sweet smell.
7/ Bone Cement. The smell comes from the liquid component, monomer methyl methacrylate (MMA).