Report predicts growth or decline in each spine market segment through 2020

Growth in spine surgery technologies to 2020
 (Med Market Diligence)

Driven by aging populations and technological advances leading to improved devices and less invasive surgery, and despite the current economic challenges, the overall global market for spine surgery devices is expected to see growth from 2010 to 2020 that, while modest for the spine industry, exceeds the growth for many if not most other medical device segments.

Spine surgery also continues to adopt minimally invasive approaches, which will be a factor in the increase in younger (under 50) patients deciding to undergo spine surgery. Then, too, many of these younger patients wish to return to the activities that may have caused their back problems in the first place. They are therefore open to undergoing spine surgery procedures, in preference to adoption of a more sedentary lifestyle.

While the aggregate global market for spine surgery is growing at roughly 7%, individual segments are seeing annual sales growth as high as 30%+ to absolute declines in revenue. Consequently, the shares of the total spine surgery market represented by individual technologies are shifting.

Below is illustrated the change in percentage of total represented by each spine surgery technology in the market from 2010 to 2020.

Source: MedMarket Diligence Report #M520, “Worldwide Spine Surgery: Products, Technologies, Markets & Opportunities, 2010-2020.”

Please note that these values represent the shift in each segment’s share of the total, reflecting the net effect of the total market growth and each’s resulting share of it.

From the view of each segment’s year-over-year growth, the picture looks different, based on the relative growth of each segment compared to its existing revenue base (see below):

Source: MedMarket Diligence Report #M520, “Worldwide Spine Surgery: Products, Technologies, Markets & Opportunities, 2010-2020.”
