Surgeons launch company with a new training tool for spinal injections

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Dallas-based pain management doctors John East and Brandon Knutson announced today their new biomed company BioTras, LLC and unveiled a unique medical training tool, the AsTris1.0, to revolutionize the spinal injection industry.

East has performed over 20,000 spinal injections over the course of his 12-year career.

“It takes extreme precision and experience to get it right but until now, the only way you could practice was on a live human, cadaver or crude, non-realistic models,” said East.

That’s why he and Knutson set out to develop the patented spine model and take the patient out of the training equation.   The AsTris1.0 allows resident physicians, fellows, post-grad physicians and others to practice performing hundreds, even thousands of injections before ever injecting a real person.  It is different than anything currently on the market and is made of a proprietary synthetic medium that has the feel of human tissue.

The AsTris1.0 is clear, which allows the practitioner to observe needle movement as the needle is advanced towards the spine.  The product is also made of re-constructed human vertebrae, ribs and other real bone elements that allow visualization under X-ray.

“The model will be ready late next year,” said Knutson.  “We expect revenue to be at least $400 million in the first three years from partnering with medical technology companies, for profit training facilities, medical schools, residency & fellowship training programs.

For more information on BioTras and the AsTris1.0, contact us at (214) 444-3117.
