Today, if you are a 5%er… you can skip the line.

Many of us like to think that we are entrepreneurial, but only 5% of people in orthopedics are actually entrepreneurial. You know who you are.

Just a few years ago in orthopedics, if you were ambitious and entrepreneurial, you had to work hard, plus get the endorsement of senior leadership, in order to become a Sales leader, or a GM or even a CEO.

This has changed.

Today, if you are ambitious and are entrepreneurial, you can “skip the line”.  You don’t need a management endorsement to be a Sales leader, or a GM, or even a CEO.  You don’t need permission anymore.

For those driven entrepreneurs, the standard pace is for chumps. You don’t have to wait in line until someone gives you the responsibility that you want.

For the 5 percenters, 2020 is “go time”. Time to start you side hustle this year. Keep your existing job for the safety net while you experiment with your new venture on nights and weekends.

This is the best time in orthopedic history to start a new venture.

Abundant resources are available. Amble funding is available. Instant networking is available. Seamless business systems are available. Crazy new technologies are available. World class business advice is available, all for you.

If you are one of the 5%, what are you waiting for? This year…

Start your new company around a great product idea for orthopedics.


Start your new company around a great new service idea for orthopedics.


Start your own independent sales business.


Start your own consulting business, by yourself or with others.