Making sense of the Paragon 28 financial reporting mistakes.

P28 stock recently took a dive and alot of people are asking me what happened. Let me try to shed some light on the situation.

Apparently, P28 found some errors in past financial statements for a few previous periods and is having to remedy these statements.

If you read the July 30th SEC announcement, P28 is claiming that COGS was off $8.4M for YE 2023 and $1.7M for March 2024.  However revenues and net losses were reported correctly.

Rumors on the street are that ZB backed off a takeover of P28 once this financial reporting came to light.

Lawyers are organizing a shareholder suit – FNA Investors Have Opportunity to Join Paragon 28, Inc. Securities Fraud Investigation with the Schall Law Firm.

P28 will announce earnings on August 8, 2024 and we will all learn more on this date.

5 take home messages from the P28 SEC Filing:

Based on the SEC filing, here are 5 summaries.

1. Material Weaknesses in Financial Reporting

Paragon 28 identified several “material weaknesses” in their financial reporting processes. This means there were significant problems with how they handled and reported financial data. Specifically:

  • Lack of Proper Controls: The company didn’t have adequate internal controls to ensure accurate financial reporting. This includes things like making sure that all transactions are recorded correctly and that financial statements are free from errors.
  • Insufficient Personnel: They didn’t have enough qualified staff with the right expertise in accounting and financial reporting, which led to mistakes.
  • Ineffective Policies: The policies and procedures they had in place were not effective in preventing or detecting errors.

2. Restatement of Financial Statements

Due to these weaknesses, Paragon 28 had to restate its financial statements for previous periods. This means they had to go back and fix errors in past reports. Restatements can be a big deal because they may indicate that the company’s previous financial performance was not as good as it initially appeared.

3. Specific Accounting Errors

The filing details specific errors, including:

  • Revenue Recognition: They recognized revenue in a way that didn’t comply with accounting standards. This could mean they reported income too early or inappropriately included sales that shouldn’t have been counted.
  • Inventory Valuation: They miscalculated the value of their inventory, which affects the cost of goods sold and overall profitability.
  • Tax Accounting: There were errors in how they accounted for income taxes, which can impact the bottom line.

4. Potential Impact on Trust and Investor Confidence

Such issues can damage trust with investors, creditors, and other stakeholders. Restating financials may lead to:

  • Loss of Credibility: Investors may question the reliability of the company’s financial information and management’s ability to oversee operations effectively.
  • Legal and Regulatory Risks: There may be legal repercussions or additional scrutiny from regulators, like the SEC, which could lead to fines or other penalties.

5. Remedial Actions

Paragon 28 is taking steps to address these issues, including:

  • Hiring More Qualified Staff: They’re looking to bring in more experienced accounting professionals to strengthen their team.
  • Improving Internal Controls: The company is working on developing and implementing better policies and procedures to ensure accurate financial reporting.
  • Engaging Consultants: They may bring in external consultants to help identify and fix weaknesses in their processes.


In summary, Paragon 28’s filing reveals significant financial reporting issues, leading to a restatement of past financial statements. They’re taking steps to address these problems, but the situation highlights challenges that can impact their credibility and financial stability.