Is Orthopedics ready to “green” the operating room?

Four surgeon authors make a case for environmental sustainability in orthopedics in Orthopedics Today.

Key takeaways:

  • The orthopedic specialty generates significant waste and emissions.
  • Surgeons can promote sustainability in the operating room by reducing single-use items, redundant trays and opening of unused materials.

A wide-reaching discussion has emerged in most major economic sectors surrounding the drivers of climate change and the opportunities to mitigate our negative impact on the planet.

In response, a sustainability movement has gained traction in most industries around the world, from small businesses and Fortune 500 companies to higher education institutions. Environmental sustainability means considering and acting in accordance with an effort to reduce negative human impact on the environment and climate. This includes reducing emissions (carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases), waste and pollution.

Read the FULL ARTICLE on Helio – Make a call to consider environmental sustainability in orthopedics