Complexity is the problem. Simplicity is the answer.

Something has to change.

Hospitals have staffing problems. Reimbursements are lower each year. Ortho surgeons must perform more cases to make the same money. More and more ortho surgeons are becoming employees. The device companies continue to over-engineer new products with too much complexity, too many steps, too much surgical training need.

Something has to change.

I believe that the solution is simplification.

The benefits of simplifying orthopedic procedures are frequently overlooked. Here, I want to explore why a back-to-basics approach might be just what the industry needs. Simplicity is what the industry needs more than ever.

Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

One of the most significant advantages of simplifying orthopedic procedures is increased efficiency. Simplified procedures generally require less time in the operating room, which can reduce both direct and indirect costs. Hospitals can save on resources such as anesthesia, surgical staff time, and equipment usage. Additionally, streamlined processes can lead to shorter hospital stays for patients, further driving down healthcare costs.

Enhanced Patient Outcomes

Simplicity often leads to better patient outcomes. Less complex procedures tend to have lower risks of complications and infections. They can also be easier for surgeons to perform consistently well, leading to more predictable and successful outcomes. When procedures are straightforward, the margin for error decreases, and patient recovery times can be significantly improved.

Increased Accessibility

Simplified procedures can make advanced orthopedic care more accessible, particularly in under-resourced areas. High-tech solutions, while impressive, often require specialized equipment and training that may not be available in all hospitals or regions. By focusing on simplifying procedures, we can ensure that more patients have access to high-quality orthopedic care, regardless of their location or the resources of their healthcare facility.

Surgeon Training and Adaptability

Training surgeons in complex, high-tech procedures can be time-consuming and costly. Simplified procedures, on the other hand, are quicker to teach and learn. This means that new surgeons can become proficient more rapidly, and experienced surgeons can more easily adapt to different environments or unexpected situations during surgery. Simplifying procedures can also make it easier to implement standardized practices across different hospitals, leading to more consistent patient care.

Focus on Core Principles

By stripping down procedures to their essential elements, we can refocus on the core principles of orthopedic surgery. This emphasis on fundamental skills and techniques can lead to a deeper understanding and mastery of the craft. Surgeons can spend more time honing their expertise in critical areas, rather than constantly adapting to new, complex technologies.


While the allure of cutting-edge technology and complex innovations will always be strong, the benefits of simplifying orthopedic procedures are too significant to ignore. By prioritizing efficiency, patient outcomes, accessibility, surgeon training, and core principles, the orthopedic industry can create a more sustainable and effective approach to patient care. Sometimes, the best way to move forward is to take a step back and simplify.