Career tips you can learn from your dog

Like many of you, we have a dog.

My wife and I have noticed that he strategically rests in the location where he is automatically woken up if we move. He is often sleeping or resting by the front door or the most likely ingress. When we are in separate rooms, he lies halfway between us. When we are in the den he lies halfway between us.


Our dog is increasing his odds of being noticed and included in future activities.  So when we go somewhere he has a better chance of getting noticed and tagging along.  If we have to step over him, we have to think about him.  He is always well positioned for engagement. He is the “Dennis Rodman” of rebounders looking for the perfect place around the net for the best opportunity.

Implications for your career

Super successful people in Orthopedics have a habit of hanging around in the right place.   I have noticed that are always hanging around with their mentors, CEOs, or key leadership.  They happen to be in town during key organizational periods. They tend to live in geographic areas with many orthopedic opportunities for advancement and career moves.  They don’t sleep in the corner, they hang out in the middle of the organization for best engagement.

Where are you hanging out?