Lessons learned after 19 interviews

I just had a good talk with a strong orthopedic professional today. 
Let’s call him Ambitious John.  

Ambitious John worked his way through 19 interviews over a 6 months at a Big Ortho company before he received the offer. At day 180, Ambitious John accepted the eventual offer because he thought that he could go there and really “make change happen” at his new Big Ortho employer.  

Boy was he wrong.

After working there for 9 months, John was so frustrated from fighting the system that he resigned without another job.

There are many lessons here.

1 – Don’t go to work for any company that cannot take you through the interview process in less than 60 days. 

2 – The interviewing process, itself, tells a lot about a company, the decision making process, the decisiveness, and the general pace of work. How does the company communicate, schedule and conduct interviews?

3 – No matter how motivated and smart you are, you cannot fight the entrenched bureaucracy in the Big Orthos.    

4 – If you are in a Big Ortho today and have career ambition, start interviewing and get out.

5 – Finally, if you are on the hiring side of the table at an Orthopedic company, pleeeeeeeese streamline your interviewing processes to attract the best talent.  Your interviewing process represents your culture. Strong candidates notice this.