Good start with your digital media, but…

I watching many orthopedic device companies trying to reach surgeons online and become relevant on digital media.

I have noticed that there is a recent trend of companies posting pics of product boxes before procedures on LinkedIn. This is similar to “unboxing” videos of consumer products. Proud surgeons, nurses and reps can be seen expressing their endorsement and advocacy of new products by posing with the box before surgery.

OK, this is a good start in your digital media strategy, but… there are much more effective ways to leverage digital media to drive surgeon engagement, exposure and new sales leads.

Let me share seven overlooked digital executions for your ortho company.

1 – Surgeon Interviews

Use your team in the field to capture short interviews using cell phones, record video interview with surgeons during and after procedures. The big opportunity with these interviews is that they create multiple forms of content. You can post each one on YouTube (video) and podcast platforms (audio) and LinkedIn postings (written).

2 – Product Demos

We have all watched “unboxing” videos on YouTube. Create unboxing demos of your devices and instruments to show how it all works. Put everything on your new YouTube channel. Share things like a specific procedure, instrumentation or device. Share a step by step flow of the surgical procedure. Share how the instruments work together. Teach others about the key decision points during a typical case. Teach your hospital customers how your system cleaned, returned, etc. The list of topics is endless.

3 – LinkedIn Targeted Ads

For less ad money than you realize, you can target LinkedIn users with LinkedIn ads by a certain title (eg: orthopedist), by who works in a certain hospital group (eg: VA) and by who lives in a certain city, zip code or county. You should also double down and post organically (free) to support your paid product information out there.

4 – Newsletter

EVERY company should have an email newsletter. Start one today to engage your surgeon customers and prospective surgeon customers. This is your best long-term play in social media. Social media platforms come and go. Even LinkedIn and FB change their algorithms and ad structure every month. Email is forever. Email is your direct link to your customers and potential customers without 3rd party rules. If you own a surgeons’ email, you can control the message 100%.

Start small. Offer value without asking for anything in return. This is a long term strategy that requires that surgeons opt-in for your newsletter.

5 – Podcast

Start a podcast interviewing your surgeon customers. Every company should have a podcast. It’s the new radio. Surgeons are consuming more and more content through podcasts. All you have to do is to ask questions and let your guests do all the talking. The tools are so easy to use (and free) that there is NO EXCUSE for not having a podcast this year. I started Inside Orthopedics and have created 39 episodes (so far) for a cost of $0.

6 – Testimonials

Collect testimonials from patients (keeping information anonymous), from surgeons, from healthcare workers or anyone else that has great things to say about the device or outcomes. Post them on your website, LinkedIn and anywhere you have a presence.

7 – Repurpose, repurpose, repurpose.

Got a testimonial? Great! Post that to Facebook…and LinkedIn…AND your company website…AND your company’s intranet…AND in your email newsletter. Captured a great “unboxing” video? Great! Post that to Facebook…and LinkedIn…AND add it to your email newsletter as a video IN the newsletter that ties them back to YouTube to view more videos. AND…well, you get the point. One piece of content can have nearly infinite lives.

Read also – The Future of Marketing in Orthopedics

By the way, we can help you do these any of these things.

Visit – TigerOrthoConsulting.

Digital marketing orthopedics infographic